When I began woodworking, I felt like everything else in my life was competing for my attention. Like others, I found more time and energy for woodworking during the pandemic. Urban lumber caught my attention when I was still new to craft but my initial pursuit seldom went further than idle curiosity and sawing an interesting log if it came my way. 

Since I first asked about harvesting domestic and even local wood, urban lumber and urban wood became a dynamic movement among woodworkers who want to pursue the craft while also making considerable contributions towards reducing waste and preserving forests.

The pandemic presented me with new opportunities to explore beyond just reading about landscape trees and slicing little fallen trees here and there. Starting in 2020 I milled 3 trees that I air dried, supplying me with wood that I still use. I learned many skills through trial and error and the results keep getting better. 

In 2023, I joined the Urban Wood Network and I look forward to learning more and making my own contributions towards saving our planet.